Most of what I do doesn’t really fit in a box. I’ve tried for years to find the connections and an application for all the interests, talent, and experiences I’ve had. I’ve done assessments, informational interviews, volunteer work, certifications, and meditations to try to find the connection or application. After reading a Facebook post by Chris Brogan about not being able to find a box to fit in to, it really made me slow down and look at myself. Yes, I have many talents and yes I fit into some areas. But there really isn’t a box I fit into.
Here are the interests I was trying to find a place for:
- I earned a degree in Religion with an emphasis in comparative religion
- My minor is in chemistry and I understand quantum physics
- I had done local theater for 16 years
- I’m a whiz with business financials (P&L’s get me excited!)
- Business Model Canvas also excites me
- I’m Level 2 Reiki Trained
- I’ve done some impressive process improvement projects turned best practice
- I’ve learned Zen, tantric, and shaolin meditation
- I learned boxing, Oom Yung Doe, and Kung Fu techniques
- I’m a car guy and the terms EJ20, Hemi, and VQ35 make me grin
- Talking the difference between gross margin and bottom line are fun
- I know the Chinese astrological signs and tendencies of my family and how to work with them
- I’m a certified business coach
- I am a career coach and know what Holland codes mean
- I can perform a few Tibetan chants in multiphonic vocals
- I know how many beads are on a mala
When I slowed down, considered Brogan’s post, and spelled out what I do, it was then that I found the place where all of these things needed to go. Right here, me. And I need to then share it with my readers. Yes, this is what I bring to the table. I can create a professional development plan, incorporate your MBTI type with the 5 Elements, and help you launch a business all in the same conversation. It’s bit crazy but it works. Not everyone needs all of that, but there are some that do. That’s why I’m here and why I do it.
I’m happy to serve relate in a way that some quirky and unique individuals may need. I’m not for everyone, only those who need this approach. So I think I’ll write about these topics, offer perspective on how some of them relate to each other and connect the dots in ways people may not expect. This is where business and spirituality meet. Drop me a line or connect to me on social if you want to learn more.